Download Full Report As part of a Queensland Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries project to update the stocktake app, Bush AgriBusiness worked with the department to develop generic animal unit ratings for sheep and goats, to add to what we had already developed for cattle.
Download Full Report Genetics: Balanced approach essential, but fertility is key A comprehensive study, drawing on the best available information on northern herd performance, business performance and genetics, has been undertaken to demonstrate the impact of genetic improvement of cow fertility on the bottom line of northern beef businesses.The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) study, undertaken by Sam Harburg, Ian McLean and Ben Hayes, collated data for seven beef producing regions in Queensland. The data was primarily drawn from the QAAFI-led Northern Genomics Project, as well as the Australian Beef Report, and other industry data sources. These data sets enabled a comprehensive profile of genetic composition, herd productivity and business performance to be developed for each region.
The Australian Beef Report shows you the financial and production performance of family owned beef businesses in Australia. It has been written for profit focussed producers, industry service professionals and other industry stakeholders who would like to better understand, and improve, beef business performance in Australia at the production level. This report follows the successful release of the first edition in 2017 Read more
The heightened interest in re-introducing Bos taurus genetics to northern Australia raises a trade-off between potential productivity and low adaptability. In this report Michael investigated the interaction between climate and genotype. (more…)
Ian has been involved in work to improve the accuracy is estimated intake of cattle grazing on tropical pastures and incorporating that into a national animal unit methodology. For an explanation on animal units and how they are applied, go to, or the full technical report can be downloaded below. (more…)
In the Australian beef industry, the underlying long-term profitability of the majority of beef businesses is alarmingly low. Simple, cost-effective action is urgently needed. The Australian Beef Report is the only document of its kind. It delivers the most comprehensive objective analysis yet undertaken of the productive and financial performance of the Australian beef industry, from the herd through to the whole business. This analysis clearly identifies the issues and how to address them. The report is co-authored by Phil Holmes and Ian Mclean, experienced beef industry specialists. Its purpose is to provide analysis, insights and advice that have never been previously available. The industry analysis includes northern & southern production systems as a whole as well as by region, market and herd size. Read More
The 2013 Northern Beef Report comprehensively details the performance of the northern beef industry, by region, market and herd size over the 12 years since the start of the century. On average, the profits achieved over that time frame have been low, but not trending down. However the profitability of the top performers across the industry has been trending down over the period analysed. Profit after interest is decreasing, and is mostly negative, as a result of increasing debt with no increase in profits. The majority of Northern Beef producers are not economically sustainable as they are not able to fund present and future liabilities. There is wide variation in performance across the industry; this report clearly identifies what separates the top performers and what factors determine the profitability of a beef business. This report provides analysis of a wide range of measures, providing the means…