Grazing Business Management Framework

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At the Bush AgriBusiness Combined Group meeting in Toowoomba recently, we introduced the Grazing Business Management Framework which we have been working on to extend our services and support to family businesses.

Working with family grazing businesses is a large and rewarding part of what we do at Bush AgriBusiness. Over the years we have developed a deep understanding of the complex production systems and unique challenges faced by family businesses due to the overlapping dynamics of relationships, ownership, and management. These complexities and challenges are heightened through price, market, and weather cycles. In short, there is a lot to manage and stay on top of which can feel like juggling and keeping lots of balls in the air all at once.

Some of the questions raised by family businesses include:

  • How do we maintain family relationships when we all work together in the business?
  • How do I get everyone on the same page and not all going off in different directions?
  • How do we systemise our business so we can work on the important things?
  • What should we put in place so we can be in a position to step back from the day-to-day operations and know that everything is under control?
  • How do we clarify everyone’s roles and responsibilities so there are no gaps or overlaps?
  • How do we deal with conflicts and stop disagreements from escalating?
  • How do we build the skills and knowledge of the incoming generation or staff?
  • What do I need to put in place to get to where I want to go?
  • How do we grow and take on more when we are run off our feet managing what we have?

The purpose of the framework is to provide structure, accountability, and practices that ensure business and family are best placed for success, whatever that means for your business and family.

There are three main elements to the framework. They overlap, intersect, and are all important but what they look like and how they are applied will be individual to each business.

Culture – how everyone operates together and what makes the business tick

Strategy – where we are headed and what we want to achieve

Performance – how we are traveling and the structure to deliver on culture and strategy

We sometimes use the term “bulletproof businesses” and we’d like to be part of making as many family businesses as “bulletproof” as possible.

If you would like to find out more, contact Simone on 0408 818043 or [email protected]

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