The 2023 version of the triennial Australian Beef Report comes off the back of three years of exceptional markets and seasonal conditions across much of Australia and combined with the 2017 and 2020 reports provides the best long-term picture of beef business performance available. 

Understanding, and identifying ways to improve, the financial and production performance of family-owned beef businesses in Australia is essential for profit focused producers, industry service professionals, and other industry stakeholders alike. 

There are three important components of the 2023 Australian Beef Report

Pastoral Panel chapter

The Pastoral Panel chapter captures the intellectual capital of wise heads in the industry, providing insights into how they think and how they approach decision-making, business, and life. The responses of panel members to current, relevant questions provide inspiration and perspective. We don’t doubt there will be something in there for everyone and at least one response that you will want to write down and stick on the fridge.

Managing for Herd Fertility and Profitability chapter

Three of the most knowledgeable industry experts Phil Holmes, John Bertram, and Michael McGowan, have compiled this chapter and provided their insights into managing fertility and why it is one of the most important profit drivers in a commercial breeding herd in both northern and southern production systems. The content breaks down what makes a highly fertile herd, how genetic progress is made, objectively quantifying herd performance, and selecting seedstock sources. There is also analysis of management factors necessary to maximise herd fertility and productivity. 

Industry performance

Detailed current information on the financial and production performance of the Australian beef industry is provided by region, herd size and market. This section collates an extraordinary amount of data and is presented in a way that can be used to identify business and herd performance relative to the average and Top 25% of peers. This is vital information to identify strengths and define goals for improvement through price and seasonal cycles. 

Value in combining with ‘Top Studs’

There is also the opportunity to combine your ABR purchase with Bush AgriBusiness’ new publication, Top Studs. The Managing for Herd Fertility and Profitability chapter and Top Studs have been prepared separately, but are complementary and there is value in reading both publications together. More information on Top Studs can be found here, and if you order the ABR and the full version of Top Studs together, you will receive a $49 discount on checkout

Money Back Guarantee

Unless you are completely satisfied that the Australian Beef Report has helped grow your knowledge and understanding of profitable beef production, your investment will be refunded in full.

Cost: $299 inc GST

Includes hard copy report (express posted to you) and access to online resources, including additional detailed industry information, maps depicting regional differences of key measures and decision support tools.

Purchase your copy of the
Australian Beef Report today!