Do you ever get overwhelmed by bull sale catalogues and EBV data or how to apply the data to your commercial operation? You’re not alone.
Here at Bush Agribusiness, we’re here to help you compare the genetic profiles of seedstock sources in the Australian beef industry, with a simplified genetics report listing the top-performing studs across breeds with detailed profiles.
If you’re a commercial producer looking to positively impact your herd, pick up a copy of our Top Studs Genetic report.
Feel confident you are making the best objective selections for your bull purchases by easily comparing the genetic profile and progress over time of potential seedstock sources.
Our easy-to-compare Top Studs genetics report uses Breedplan selection indexes to identify producers who offer valuable genetics for your operation.
It’s an invaluable resource to help evaluate seedstock sources to improve your herd’s genetics and bottom line.
Independent & objective
Uses Breedplan selection indexes of seedstock producers focused on producing commercially relevant genetics.
Simple summary
Compiles extensive data to a single source, eliminating the need to search through websites & catalogues
Clear insights
Easy to interpret graphs of the genetic profile of each qualifying stud across 14 breeds
Top Studs has been developed to put EBV data into an easy-to-understand and more digestible format. The data used in the Top Studs book is based on the 2022 drop data within Breedplan to create an average of genetic traits at a stud.
The animals in a stud will vary around this, but the overall average is important as it represents their current genetic base and the breeding strategy for the stud.
Each trait is represented by its bar in the graph and is colour-coded according to the category, making it easy to compare studs.
Purchase the full report for $149, or buy the full book with the Australian Beef Report = $399.00 ($49 discount)